International - Registered
[5] Hyeongdo Kim, Jongwoon Kim, Junsuk Rho, Heonyeong Jeong, Hanlyun Cho, Younghwan Yang, Jaehyuck Jang and Inki Kim, "Optical lens and lighting device using the same", registration number: 11,193,649 (registered date: 2021.12.07), US Patent
[4] Junsuk Rho, Inki Kim and Dasol Lee, "Dielectric based metasurface hologram device and manufacturing method of same and display device having same", registration number: 11,042,119 (registered date: 2021.06.22), US Patent
[3] Junsuk Rho, Minkyung Kim, Gwanho Yoon and Inki Kim, "Photonic diode and method of manufacturing the same", registration number: 10,551,527 (registration date: 2020.02.04), US Patent
[2] Junsuk Rho, Minkyung Kim, Gwanho Yoon and Inki Kim, "Photonic diode and method of manufacturing the same", registration number: 10,481,298 (registration date: 2019.11.19), US Patent
[1] Junsuk Rho, Inki Kim and Heonyeong Jeong, "Mask manufacturing apparatus and, manufacturing method of mask and, mask for lithography", registration number: 10,295,915 (registration date: 2019.05.21), US Patent
International - Pending
[4] Inki Kim, Won-Sik Kim, Young-Ki Kim and Junsuk Rho, "Stimuli-responsive dynamic meta-holographic displays, application number: PCT/KR2022/000025 (application date: 2022.01.13), PCT
[3] Hyeongdo Kim, Jongwoon Kim, Junsuk Rho, Heonyeong Jeong, Hanlyun Cho, Younghwan Yang, Jaehyuck Jang and Inki Kim, "Optical lens and lighting device using the same", application number: 112984456 (application date: 2021.06.18), CN Patent
[2] Hyeongdo Kim, Jongwoon Kim, Junsuk Rho, Heonyeong Jeong, Hanlyun Cho, Younghwan Yang, Jaehyuck Jang and Inki Kim, "Optical lens and lighting device using the same", application number: 10-2020-213-994 (application date: 2021.06.02), DE Patent
[1] Junsuk Rho, Inki Kim and Dasol Lee, "Dielectric based metasurface hologram device and manufacturing method of same and display device having same", application number: 16/351,731 (application date: 2019.03.13), US Patent
Domestic - Registered
[18] Junsuk Rho, Gyeongtae Kim, Yesul Kim, Jooyeong Yun and Inki Kim, "Meta optical device and electronic device including the same (메타 광학 소자 및 이를 포함하는 전자 장치)", registration number: 10-2719038 (registered date: 2024.10.14), KR Patent
[17] Inki Kim, Jooyeong Yun, Yoonyoung Chung and Junsuk Rho, "Color filter including IGZO(Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide) and method for manufacturing the same (IGZO(Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide)를 포함하는 컬러필터 및 이의 제조방법)", registration number: 10-2551763 (registered date: 2023.06.30), KR Patent
[16] Inki Kim, Won-Sik Kim, Young-Ki Kim and Junsuk Rho, " Holographic metasurface gas sensors and wearable device including same (홀로그래픽 메타표면 가스 센서 및 이를 포함하는 웨어러블 장치)", registration number: 10-2448894 (registered date: 2022.09.26), KR Patent
[15] Heonyeong Jeong, Inki Kim and Junsuk Rho, " Axicon device based on metasurface, optical device having the same and manufacturing method (메타표면 기반 엑시콘 디바이스, 이를 포함하는 광학 장치 및 이의 제조 방법)", registration number: 10-2446874 (registered date: 2022.09.20), KR Patent
[14] Inki Kim and Junsuk Rho, "Direction-multiplexed hologram device and System for implementing direction-multiplexed hologram including same (다방향 홀로그램 디바이스 및 이를 포함하는 다방향 홀로그램 구현 시스템)", registration number: 10-2407962 (registered date: 2022.06.08), KR Patent
[13] Inki Kim, Jungho Mun and Junsuk Rho, "Resist mask, domino lithography and structure manufactured using the same (레지스트 마스크, 도미노 리소그래피 및 이를 이용해 제작된 구조체)", registration number: 10-2395979 (registered date: 2022.05.04), KR Patent
[12] Inki Kim and Junsuk Rho, "Resist mask, controlled collapse lithography and structure manufactured using the same (레지스트 마스크, 쓰러짐 제어 리소그래피 및 이를 이용해 제작된 구조체)", registration number: 10-2356610 (registration date: 2022.01.24), KR Patent
[11] Inki Kim, Heonyeong Jung and Junsuk Rho, “Diffractive optical element, manufacturing method thereof and optical device having the same (회절 광학 소자, 이의 제조 방법 및 이를 포함하는 광학 장치)", registration number: 10-2129858 (registration date: 2020.06.29), KR Patent
[10] Inki Kim, Heonyeong Jung and Junsuk Rho, “Metalens, manufacturing method thereof and optical device having the same (메타렌즈, 이의 제조 방법 및 이를 포함하는 광학 장치)", registration number: 10-2129862 (registration date: 2020.06.29), KR Patent
[9] Inki Kim, Dasol Lee and Junsuk Rho, "Dielectric based metasurface hologram device and manufacturing method thereof and display device having the same (유전체 기반 메타표면 홀로그램 장치 및 이의 제조 방법 이를 포함하는 디스플레이 장치)", registration number: 10-2049749 (registration date: 2019.11.22), KR Patent
[8] Minkyung Kim, Gwanho Yoon, Inki Kim and Junsuk Rho, "Photonic diode and method of manufacturing the same (광 다이오드 및 그 제조 방법)", registration number: 10-2026072 (registration date: 2019.09.25), KR Patent
[7] Dasol Lee, Minkyung Kim, Jungho Mun, Gwanho Yoon, Inki Kim, Jaehyuck Jang and Junsuk Rho, “Structured illumination microscopy and photographing method (구조 조명 현미경 및 촬영 방법)", registration number: 10-2019673 (registration date: 2019.09.03), KR Patent
[6] Inki Kim, Heonyeong Jeong and Junsuk Rho, "Metamaterial structure with photonic spin hall effect and manufacturing method thereof (광자 스핀 홀 효과를 갖는 메타물질 구조체 및 그 제조방법)", registration number: 10-1995780 (registration date: 2019.06.27), KR Patent
[5] Inki Kim, Heonyeong Jeong and Junsuk Rho, "Mask manufacturing apparatus, manufacturing method of mask, and mask for lithography (마스크 제조장치와 그의 제조 방법 및 리소그래피용 마스크)", registration number: 10-1930450 (registration date: 2018.12.12), KR Patent
[4] Gwanho Yoon, Inki Kim and Junsuk Rho, “Method for electron beam lithography overlay and apparatus for the same (전자빔 리소그래피 오버레이 방법 및 이를 위한 장치)", registration number: 10-1728856 (registration date: 2017.04.14), KR Patent
[3] Minkyung Kim, Gwanho Yoon, Inki Kim, Sunae So and Junsuk Rho, "Method for quantum dot positioning and quantum dot structure using the same (양자점 포지셔닝 방법 및 이를 이용한 양자점 구조체)", registration number: 10-1684169 (registration date: 2016.12.01), KR Patent
[2] Minkyung Kim, Inki Kim, Gwanho Yoon and Junsuk Rho, "Manufacturing method of hyperlens and manufacturing apparatus for hyperlens (하이퍼렌즈 제조 방법 및 제조 장치)", registration number: 10-1673201 (registration date: 2016.11.01), KR Patent
[1] Minkyung Kim, Gwanho Yoon, Inki Kim, Sunae So and Junsuk Rho, "Miniaturized metamaterial antenna and method for manufacturing the same (초소형 메타물질 안테나 및 이의 제조 방법)", registration number: 10-1637180 (registration date: 2016.07.01), KR Patent
Domestic - Pending
[8] Inki Kim, Yongjae Jo and Hyemi Park, "Multifocal metalens and image scanning microscope including the same (다중 초점 메타렌즈 및 이를 포함하는 이미지 스캐닝 현미경)", application number: 10-2025-0010475 (submission date: 2025.01.23), KR Patent
[7] Inki Kim and Yongjae Jo, "Spectral Hadamard microscopy with metasurface-based patterned illumination (메타표면 기반의 패턴화된 조명을 활용한 스펙트럴 하다마드 현미경)", application number: 10-2025-0000902 (submission date: 2025.01.03), KR Patent
[6] Inki Kim, Luke P. Lee, Junsuk Rho, Jin Kon Kim, Hongyoon Kim, Myeongcheol Go, "Light-absorbing metasurface structure, and thermal cycler and nucleic acid amplification device containing the same (광 흡수 메타표면 구조체 및 이를 포함한 열 순환기 및 핵 산 증폭 장치)", application number: 10-2024-0157151 (submission date: 2024.11.07), KR Patent
[5] Inki Kim, Junsuk Rho, Aleksandr Barulin, Yeseul Kim and Dong Kyo Oh, "Metalens-based single-molecule detection device (메타렌즈 기반 단분자 검출 장치)", application number: 10-2024-0052382 (submission date: 2024.04.18), KR Patent
[4] Inki Kim, Aleksandr Barulin and Hyemi Park, "Multi-wavelength metalens and photoacoustic detection device including the same (다파장 메타렌즈 및 이를 포함하는 광음향 검출 장치)", application number: 10-2024-0051505 (submission date: 2024.04.17), KR Patent
[3] Inki Kim, Junsuk Rho and Hongyoon Kim, "Metasurface-based hyperspectral imaging technology utilizing plasmonic resonance energy transfer phenomenon (플라즈몬 공명 에너지 전달 현상을 활용한 메타표면 기반 초분광 이미징 기술)", application number: 10-2024-0047408 (submission date: 2024.04.08), KR Patent
[2] Junsuk Rho, Inki Kim, Jaehyuck Jang and Gyeongtae Kim, "Light modulating device and operating method thereof using voltage variable display (광 변조 소자 및 전압 가변 액정을 사용한 그 동작 방법)", application number: 10-2022-0027067 (submission date: 2022.03.02), KR Patent
[1] Hyeong Do Kim, Jong Woon Kim, Junsuk Rho, Heonyeong Jung, Hanlyun Cho, Younghwan Yang, Jaehyuck Jang and Inki Kim, "Optical lens and illuminating device using the same (광학 렌즈 및 이를 이용한 조명 장치)", application number: 10-2019-0157951 (submission date: 2019.12.02), KR Patent