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Conference Presentations

[54] “Metasurfaces for biosensing, molecular diagnostics, and biomedical imaging”, International Biomedical Engineering Conference (IBEC 2024), Seoul, Korea, November, 2024 (invited)

[53] “Metasurfaces for biosensing, molecular diagnostics, and biomedical imaging”, Korean Physics Society (KPS) Fall Meeting, Yeosu, Korea, October, 2024 (invited)

[52] “Flexible and printed optical metasurfaces for display and imaging technology”, Korea Flexible and Printed Electronics Society (KFPE) Fall Meeting, Jeonju, Korea, October, 2024 (invited)

[51] “Flexible and printed optical metasurfaces for display and imaging technology”, The International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics (ICFPE 2024), Taipei, Taiwan, August, 2024 (invited)

[50] “Advanced nanofabrications for nanophotonics: 3D EBL, single-digit nanometer scale EBL and scalable NIL”, 2024 Next Generation Lithography + Patterning, Suwon, Korea, August, 2024 (invited)

[49] "Metasurfaces for biosensing, molecular diagnostics, and biomedical imaging", The 8th A3 (Korea/Japan/China) Metamaterials Forum, Shenzhen, China, July, 2024 (invited)


[48] "Metasurface-enabled wavefront engineering for advanced imaging technologies: 3D sensing and biomedical imaging", The 14th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonics Crystals and Plasmonics (META'24), Toyama, Japan, July, 2024 (invited)

[47] "Metasurfaces for biosensing, molecular diagnostics, and biomedical imaging", ACS Nano - SKKU Summit Symposium, Suwon, Korea, July, 2024 (invited)

[46] "Metasurfaces for biosensing, molecular diagnostics, and biomedical imaging", The Korean Sensors Society Spring Meeting, Daejeon, Korea, April, 2024 (invited)

[45] "Metasurface-enabled wavefront engineering for advanced imaging technologies: 3D sensing and biomedical imaging", The 45th Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2024), Chengdu, China, April, 2024 (invited)

[44] "Metasurface-enhanced nanospectroscopy and molecular diagnostics towards quantum biomedical engineering", The 45th Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2024), Chengdu, China, April, 2024 (invited)

[43] "Metasurface-empowered bioimaging and continuous monitoring of brain organoids", 2024 Organoid Society Spring Conference, Seoul, Korea, April, 2024 (invited)

[42] "Metasurface-enhanced nanospectroscopy and molecular diagnostics towards quantum biomedical engineering", SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, USA, January, 2024 (invited)

[41] "Metasurface-enhanced nanospectroscopy and molecular diagnostics towards quantum biomedical engineering", The 18th International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine & Engineering (IEEE-NANOMED), Okinawa, Japan, December, 2023 (invited)

[40] "Optical metamaterials for quantum biomedical devices", The Society of Micro and Nano Systems Fall Meeting, Yeosu, Korea, November, 2023 (invited)

[39] "Optical metamaterials for quantum biomedical devices", The Korean Society of Medical and Biological Engineering Fall Meeting, Seoul, Korea, November, 2023 (invited)

[38] "Metasurface-enhanced nanospectroscopy and molecular diagnostics towards quantum biomedical engineering", Korea Flexible and Printed Electronics Society Fall Meeting, Gangneung, Korea, October, 2023 (invited)

[37] "Metasurface-enhanced multiplexed nanospectroscopy and molecular diagnostics", WISDOM: Quantum Life Science for Medicine, Suwon, Korea, July, 2023 (invited)

[36] "Metaphotonics for biosensing and bioimaging", The Korean BioChip Society Spring Meeting, Yeosu, Korea, May, 2023 (invited)

[35] "Metasurface-enhanced multiplexed nanospectroscopy and molecular diagnostics", The 10th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP10), Houston, Texas, USA, May, 2023 (oral)

[34] "Metasurfaces for holography, imaging, and biosensing", The 18th International Conference on Nano/Micro Egineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2023), Jeju, Korea, May, 2023 (invited)

[33] "Metaphotonics for biosensing and bioimaging", Advanced Lasers and Their Applications (ALTA 2023), Jeju, Korea, May, 2023 (invited)

[32] "Metaphotonics for advanced display and imaging technology: Functional holograms, reflective displays and varifocal metalens", The 22nd International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2022), August, 2022 (invited)

[31] "Liquid crystal powered active metaphotonics", Optics and Photonics Congress 2022, Jeju, Korea, July, 2022 (invited)

[30] "Metaphotonics for advanced imaging techniques: Electrically tunable varifocal metalens and 3D flash LiDAR", MRS Spring Meeting, Hawaii, USA, May, 2022 (oral)

[29] "Dynamic meta-holograms with designer liquid crystals for interactive displays and unconventional photonic sensors", The 21st International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2021), August, 2021 (oral) [KIDS Gold Award] 

[28] "Dynamic flat optical devices realized by doped semiconductors and functional liquid crystals", OSA Optical Design and Fabrication Congress, Virtual, July, 2021 (oral) [Robert S. Hilbert Memorial Award] 

[27] "Vectorial holographic color prints for double-encrypted optical security platform", MRS Spring Meeting, Virtual, April, 2021 (oral)

[26] "Dynamic meta-holograms with designer liquid crystals for interactive displays and unconventional photonic sensors", MRS Spring Meeting, Virtual, April, 2021 (oral)

[25] "Anticounterfeiting visible metaholograms multiplexed with spin, direction and wavelength", MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, November, 2020 (oral) [Best Presentation Award] 

[24] "Realization of ultra-sharp plasmonic nanocavity for extreme photon squeezing via collapse control", Next Generation Lithography Conference, Online, Korea, November, 2020 (oral) [Best Paper Award] 

[23] "Active color filters and stimuli-responsive dynamic meta-holographic displays", SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, USA, August, 2020 (oral) [SPIE Optics and Photonics Scholarship] 

[22] "Anti-counterfeiting visible metaholograms multiplexed with spin, direction, and wavelength", SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, USA, August, 2020 (poster)  

[21] "Domino lithography for extreme photon squeezing in nanoantenna", KSME Spring Meeting, Busan, Korea, July, 2020 (oral) [Best Paper Award] 

[20] "Active nanophotonic color filters and stimuli-responsive dynamic meta-holographic displays", The 18th International Nanotech Symposium and Nano-Convergence Expo (Nano Korea 2020), Ilsan, Korea, July, 2020 (oral)  

[19] "Cascade domino lithography for single-digit nanometer scale patterning", The 4th A3 Metamaterials Forum, Sapporo, Japan, August, 2019 (poster) [Best Poster Award] 

[18] "Dielectric metasurface-based flat optical devices", 2019 Plasmonically-Powered Processes, Gordon Research Conference, Hong Kong, China, July, 2019 (poster)

[17] "Geometric metasurfaces enabled transformative flat optical devices", The 9th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP9), Copenhagen, Denmark, May, 2019 (oral) [Carlsberg Foundation Scholarship] 

[16] "Cascade domino lithography for single-digit nanometer scale patterning", The 8th nano-Imprint-Molding-Print Forum (nano-IMP 2019), Daejeon, Korea, February, 2019 (poster)

[15] "Flat optical components based on metasurfaces: hologram, absorber and metalens for generating optical vortex", KSME Fall Meeting, Jeongseon, Korea, December, 2018 (oral)

[14] "Silicon meta-holograms enabled with dual magnetic resonances in visible light", The 3rd A3 Metamaterials Forum, Pohang, Korea, August, 2018 (poster)

[13] "Dielectric meta-holograms using dual magnetic resonances in visible light", The 16th International Nanotech Symposium and Nanoconvergence Expo (Nano Korea 2018), Ilsan, Korea, July, 2018 (oral)

[12] "Electron beam lithography overlay process with sub-20nm accuracy for 3D nanoarchitecturing", The 15th International Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensing (NMC 2018), Incheon, Korea, June, 2018 (poster)

[11] "Dielectric meta-holograms exploiting dual magnetic resonances", The 7th nano-Imprint-Molding-Print Forum (nano-IMP 2018), Seoul, Korea, February, 2018 (poster)

[10] "Dielectric meta-holograms exploiting dual magnetic resonances in the visible spectrum", The 16th International Conference on Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology (NNT2017), Changwon, Korea, November, 2017 (poster)

[9] "3D metamaterials at optical frequencies", the 43rd Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE 2017), Braga, Portugal, September, 2017 (oral)

[8] "Large-scale fabrication of multilayer dielectric gratings for multiple laser beams combining", The 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META'17), Incheon, Korea, July, 2017 (poster)

[7] "Fabrication of nanoscale 3D optical metamaterials and metadevices using electron beam lithography overlay process", The 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META'17), Incheon, Korea, July, 2017 (oral)

[6] "Large-scale fabrication of multilayer dielectric gratings for multiple fiber laser beams combining", The 15th International Nanotech Symposium and Nano-Convergence Expo (Nano Korea 2017), Ilsan, Korea, July, 2017 (poster)

[5] "3D metamaterials and metadevices by ultra-accurate and precise electron beam lithography overlay", the 8th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP8), Taipei, Taiwan, May, 2017 (poster)

[4] "Fabrication of deep sub-wavelength 3D metamaterials and metadevices using high-accuracy electron beam lithography overlay", The 6th nano-Imprint-Molding-Print Forum (nano-IMP 2017), Seoul, Korea, February, 2017 (poster)

[3] "Fabrication of deep sub-wavelength 3D metamaterials and metadevices using ultra-high accurate and precise electron beam lithography overlay process", MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, November, 2016 (poster)

[2] "Fabrication of deep sub-wavelength 3D metamaterials and metadevices using ultra-high accurate and precise electron beam lithography overlay process", The 3rd International Conference and Exhibition for Nanotechnology (Nanopia), Changwon, Korea, November, 2016 (poster)

[1] "Fabrication of deep sub-wavelength 3D metamaterials and metadevices using high-precision multi-step electron-beam lithography system", The 14th International Nanotech Symposium and Nano-Convergence Expo (Nano Korea 2017), Goyang, Korea, July, 2016 (poster) [Best Poster Award]

Inki Kim | | Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)

#86613 N Center, Sungkyunkwan University, 2066 Seobu-ro, Jangan-gu, Suwon 16419, Republic of Korea

경기도 수원시 장안구 서부로 2066 성균관대학교 N센터 86613호 (우: 16419) 

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